Recently, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) – yet another unelected regulatory agency that most Americans know nothing about – announced that they may move to ban gas stoves.
Yes, everyone’s favorite kind of stove with which to cook.
When outrage ensued, CPSC announced they may instead “regulate” them to make them safer. As a reminder, it was a 2013 rule by the Obama Administration that made dishwashers completely inefficient, frustrating Americans for years.
CPSC is spouting falsehood after falsehood and the Biden Administration is pretending this isn’t happening. Meanwhile, the American people are once again waiting to see if the people working in the shadows of their government make good on their threat to intrude on the kind of stove with which we choose to cook.
If you agree that this is an outrageous overreach, use the form on this page to add your comments on the regulations.gov portal. We have provided a draft statement for you, or you can also make your own changes.

Tell the Biden Administration: Hands off Our Stoves!
Sumbit your comment and stop the regulation.
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